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The sections below assume you already know the basics of ReacPy.

Here you'll learn the various features of reactpy-router and how to use them. All examples will utilize the simple.router (though you can use your own).

Routers and Routes

The simple.router component is one possible implementation of a Router. Routers takes a series of Route objects as positional arguments and render whatever element matches the current location. For convenience, these Route objects are created using the route function.


The current location is determined based on the browser's current URL and can be found by checking the use_location hook.

Here's a basic example showing how to use simple.router with two routes:

from reactpy import component, html, run
from reactpy_router import route, simple, use_location

def root():
    location = use_location()
    return simple.router(
        route("/", html.h1("Home Page 🏠")),
        route("*", html.h1("Missing Link 🔗‍💥")),

Here we'll note some special syntax in the route path for the second route. The * is a wildcard that will match any path. This is useful for creating a "404" page that will be shown when no other route matches.

Simple Router

The syntax for declaring routes with the simple.router is very similar to the syntax used by Starlette (a popular Python web framework). As such route parameters are declared using the following syntax:


In this case, param is the name of the route parameter and the optionally declared type specifies what kind of parameter it is. The available parameter types and what patterns they match are are:

  • str (default) - [^/]+
  • int - \d+
  • float - \d+(\.\d+)?
  • uuid - [0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}
  • path - .+


The path type is special in that it will match any path, including / characters. This is useful for creating routes that match a path prefix.

So in practice these each might look like:


Any route parameters collected from the current location then be accessed using the use_params hook.


It's worth pointing out that, while you can use route parameters to capture values from queryies (i.e. ?foo=bar), this is not recommended. Instead, you should use the use_query hook to access query parameters.

Links between routes should be created using the link component. This will allow ReactPy to handle the transition between routes more quickly by avoiding the cost of a full page load.

from reactpy import component, html, run, use_location
from reactpy_router import link, route, simple

def root():
    return simple.router(
                html.h1("Home Page 🏠"),
                link(html.button("About"), to="/about"),
        route("/about", html.h1("About Page 📖")),


reactpy-router provides a number of hooks for working with the routes:

If you're not familiar with hooks, you should read the docs.

Using Queries

The use_query hook can be used to access query parameters from the current location. It returns a dictionary of query parameters, where each value is a list of strings.

from reactpy import component, html, run
from reactpy_router import link, route, simple, use_query

def root():
    return simple.router(
                html.h1("Home Page 🏠"),
                link("Search", to="/search?q=reactpy"),
        route("/about", html.h1("About Page 📖")),

def search():
    query = use_query()
    return html.h1(f"Search Results for {query['q'][0]} 🔍")

Using Parameters

The use_params hook can be used to access route parameters from the current location. It returns a dictionary of route parameters, where each value is mapped to a value that matches the type specified in the route path.

from reactpy import component, html, run
from reactpy_router import link, route, simple, use_params

def root():
    return simple.router(
                html.h1("Home Page 🏠"),
                link("User 123", to="/user/123"),
        route("/user/{id:int}", user()),

def user():
    params = use_params()
    return html.h1(f"User {params['id']} 👤")